Intro to Workspace Plugins

Plugins are small apps that can be deployed on the web, just like a website. With Workspace Plugins you can deploy a Plugin once, add it via the Plugins modal on the dashboard, and instantly have it appear in the Plugin menu in every project in the Workspace. Once you have access to the feature, you will see a “Plugins” entry-point in the dashboard where you can go to manage the Plugins for your Workspace.

Adding Plugins

From within the Plugins modal, you can add your Plugin URL. Workspace Plugins are self hosted, to give you full control to incorporate the Plugin into your internal systems and push updates instantly. When adding the URL, Framer will validate that it is set up correctly, and pull the name and icon info from your Plugin’s framer.json file.

Configuring your Plugin

To customise the Name and Icon of your Plugin, you'll want to customise the framer.json file. You can learn more about this on the configuration page.

Updating your Plugin

Framer renders your Plugin URL directly in a secure iframe, so it will always point to the latest version each time the Plugin is opened. When updating the Modes, Icon, or Name of the Plugin, you will want to sync the updates into Framer by finding the Plugin in the Plugins modal on the dashboard, opening the context menu for that Plugin, and selecting ”Sync Info”.

Deploying a Plugin to a URL

Plugins are static assets and any Plugin created with npm create framer-plugin is already setup for easy deployment. You can choose any hosting provider but for easy setup but recommend Vercel or Cloudflare for easy setup.


You will want to make sure the framer.json file is statically hosted at the root of your Plugin deployment. This will happen automatically if you use the Vite starter.

Deploying with Vercel

Read the getting started guide or follow these steps:

  1. In the root of your Plugin directory run npx vercel

  2. Follow the steps required to deploy to Vercel

  3. Important: Log into your Vercel account and disable Vercel Authentication under Deployment Protection so that your deployment is publicly accessible

Now your plugin should be shareable in the URL displayed by Vercel.

Deploying with Cloudflare

  1. Follow the steps in the getting started guide to setup your project

  2. During configuration set npm run build for the build command

  3. During configuration set ./dist for the build output directory

  4. Confirm the deployment

Now your plugin should be shareable in the URL displayed by Cloudflare.